Research to focus on prevention in food sources, such as chicken
By Marilyn Bitomsky
GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA | The incidence of foodborne gastroenteritis caused by Campylobacter has now surpassed that of salmonella and shigella by a factor of at least two, according to an Australian scientist.
To seek prevention and treatment answers, the 13th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms focused on warm-blooded animals and birds, particularly those that are part of our food chain.
“Spread through contaminated poultry and meats, unpasteurized milk and unchlorinated water, Campylobacter has become a major cause of lost productivity in the workplace and a health issue of concern,” said Dr. Victoria Korolik from Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics here.Continue Reading Campylobacter rises as culprit for foodborne gastroenteritis

Date: 03/09/05
Poorly cooked meat is a major cause of lost productivity in the Australian workplace, a scientist says.
Victoria Korolik, of the Griffith Institute for Glycomics, said around 200,000 Australians fell ill annually from a form of food poisoning caused by Campylobacter bacteria.
She said the bacteria was spread through contaminated meats, particularly poultry, unpasteurised milk and unchlorinated water.Continue Reading Food poisoning ‘costs productivity’

By Peter Curson
October 14, 2004
Most of us have experienced a bout of food poisoning: an episode of stomach pain or upset often associated with diarrhoea and in some cases vomiting. Such encounters are usually inconsequential, of limited duration and rarely do we think to bother our general practitioner with them. Most of us assume it’s something we have eaten or drunk, shrug it off and get on with our lives. Minor bouts of upset stomachs have become so common as to be something we all expect to experience sooner or later, and we rarely question their origin.Continue Reading Who Ordered the Food Poisoning?