We do not usually follow politics on this blog. Nor are we any kind of experts about elections in British Columbia. Who has a chance, and who does not—well, those are questions you are going to have to get answered elsewhere.
Nevertheless, we think its worth noting that one of the Green Party candidates running in the upcoming May 12th BC elections from Columbia River-Revelstoke is an expert in Campylobacter.
The candidate we speak of is Sarah Svensson. The Green Party website says she “is currently completing her doctorate in microbiology at UBC, where she studies the molecular biology of Campylobacter, a food-bourne bacterial pathogen. She hopes to continue researching infectious diseases that are the by-product of environmental and social change – complex diseases with difficult solutions.”
Whether she is serious about running for the job in Victoria is clearly on the mind of the local newspaper in Revelstoke. It reported: “The Times Review has made several attempts to contact Svensson starting on April 21, including phoning numbers provided on the Green Party of BC website and by email, but was unable to reach the candidate by press time.“
Ms. Svensson might also be focused on that Ph d about now! We will try and let you know how she does come election day.
The BC Greens can be found here, and the Revelstoke Times Review story here.