Wisconsin state and Pepin county health officials are investigating an outbreak of Campylobacter infections in the Durand School District in Pepin County, Wisconsin. Eight people had reportedly been hospitalized with gastrointestinal illness, and dozens more were ill, including members of the high school’s football team and several coaches and managers.

As of Thursday afternoon, there were eight confirmed Campylobacter cases and one with an indeterminate result, said Jennifer Miller, communications specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services in Madison.

“They determined there was no anthrax involved. That had been rumored,” she said. “So it appears to be Campylobacter. The source we don’t know at this time.”

Durand School Superintendent Greg Doverspike said Thursday that four people were currently still in the hospital and that the investigation was focusing on common symptoms among those sickened and potential sources of the bacteria.

“We are testing for anything we can get our hands on,” he said. “There was a team function Thursday night, so we are looking at food and water and what they used to drink from at football practices — anything that seems to be a common thing.”